Hi, I've had no trouble burning except for two dvds. Chilli peppers 'what hits' and total recall. Both dvd were under 4.0gb. I tried with dvd x copy but it said some error with certain sectors when it got to 99%. I then tried with shrink and decrypter and it said 'burn successful' but the dvd wouldn't play. Got the error 13.00. What next? or are some dvds unburnable. Any advice would be appreciated.
Hi, Questions: 1) What media have you tried? 2) What were you using to burn with Shrink - Decrypter or Nero? 3) Does your standalone player normally play burned DVDs?
Thanks Nephilim for replying. I'm using decrypter and following the instructions in the guide. My player has had no problems with all the other dvd that I've burned so it can't be that. Dvd x copy and dvd shrink and decrypter have been the only media I've used. First I used dvd shrink to encode the dvd then I used decrypter to write it. It all seemed as usual but the dvd won't play. I've used the same method for all others and they've played??
When Nephilim asked you about the media he was refering to the type and manufacturer of the blank discs you are using. It sounds like your originals are defective. Try using Decrypter to put the movie on your hard drive. What I'm interested in is any specific error messages that occur during this process. Just watch as Decrypter processes the movie and see if it skips sectors or does anything else. _X_X_X_X_X_[small]motorcycle racer computer newbie Sony VAIO Suzuki GSXR1000 [/small]
here's my lil 2 cents. I had a similar problem using dvdxrescue. it would copy, read, then burn. If I used +r media they ended up coasters. If I used +rw they turned out fine. Bugged the hell out of me. My fix was I updated my aspi layer. Try that it could help. Now, no more coasters!! Oh, and to answer your question about unburnable movies. I haven't found one yet.
For DVDs under 4.36Gb , just use DVD Decrypter [which is free] in [bold]ISO Read[/bold] then [bold]ISO Write[/bold] mode. [bold]Guide[/bold] http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/small_dvd_2_dvdr.cfm
how do i update my aspi had the same problem. Can burn all with rw but r's sometimes won't burn certain movies.
search aspi on afterdawn. Or goto www.adaptec.com search for aspi Or www.downloads.com search aspi I suggest doing the afterdawn search. There are some threads about which aspi layer you might want to use. Most common are v4.71 or v4.6 I have v4.71 on one computer and v4.6 on another, and all my programs seem to work fine. I believe one thread suggest trying 4.71 and if programs don't work right try forceapi1.7 http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/aspisetup.cfm