There's a DVD & a CD version that you can buy (hdadvance) but you can download freeware ones as well as elf files for the memory card, some modchips can boot directly from a HDD w/o the need for any CD/DVDs. PS Am a Swap Magic man myself.
Swap magic is in the lead ,Modchip is not that behinfi decided to add HDloader to this poll THe current standings are : SwapMagic:3 Modchip:2 Hdloader:1
wow Swap magic is in the lead with 5 modchip countinues to be 2nd a HDL is 3rd SwapMagic:5 Modchip:2 Hdloader:1
@ DArkhadou most swap magic users are the new slimline owners so they have this tape and straw method they uses ...and most people buy the flip top too. SwapMagic:6 Modchip:2 Hdloader:1