hi guys, just bought one of these, nice little box, i managed to upload cccam to it, running smoothly, anyone got a upto date channel list, for 28.2 movies,sport, etc, etc. cheers guys,
ya should have went for the 250, there is app for this also you change chan using your fone and a wireless dongle for 6 euros to connect to your home network, just done a lot of reading on them as I am getting a few in the house Chan editor on this page http://www.ferguson-digital.eu/en/download/HD-Satellite-Receivers/Ariva-150-Combo/ simple to use, just download and move yer chans about
Quick start - editing the channel list (1) Search channels using the receiver menu or you can upload one off factory channel list and add missing channels. (2) Then plug the USB stick. Go to the update via USB. As a kind of update, select Dump. Then select Start to save the file with all the software on a USB memory stick (3) Go to the computer and run Ariva Editor. Select File -> Open to open the saved file. (4) Then select the userdb - ie the user's database, which is a list of saved channels. (5) Click on All Services to view a list of channels. You can now change the order, edit, add and delete channels. (6) When you finish editing, select File -> Export and save a new file with *.abs extension. (7) To upload a list of channels to your receiver, go to update via USB. As a upgrade mode, select userdb. Next select the previously saved file and press start.
ok managed to get all channels, loaded to ariva 150 m8.. but having trouble loading to bouquets.. or channel list. i d/loaded from editor and uploaded to box, but nothing happened
looks like a great buy. no linux to contend with, hd, recording, cccam. Think my dreambox purchases may be at an end. neat
I am getting the 250 Fint, uses a RALINK type of wireless dongle (6 quid on ebay!!) the box is then wireless, ccam oscam etc, HD, recordable and media player, got the Edison Argus combi up and running also, great box if you can get yer hands on one, but the Ferguson Ariva 250 seems to be the box for Irish users, at about 110 euros including del, its a steal!
are you saying irish users will get more out of it than anyone else? i'm guessing it will work just as well for everyone else right?
that is a stunning price for a box that does HD, does both satellite and terrestrial, able to plug in a USB hard drive for taping. So to be a real winner would love to see a version with dual satellite tuner (able to watch and record) and of course 7 day program guide is something that is essential. Is the 250 capable of the 7 day guide?
@ Popeye its for the Irish market, its has a mpeg4 terrestrial tuner, for Soarview and also its a sat HD box also, pvr, so if ure in the Uk, no point @Fint - Dont think so mate, like the rest, now and next on Sat, the EPG on terrestrial mat be 7 days - Be some box if they could get a 7 day epg onto it with a firmware update of sorts
well mickah it aint really all that hard. crossepg is taken from the satellite stream and simply formatted into an epg. its taken across hip-hop radio station and is available to any box. The only issue is simply to decode the feed. this feed (as far as i know) is an xml feed from radio times (via hip-hop) which is then translated by the crossepg function on the dreambox to display programs. i can't think that it would be rocket science to do a similar decoding on a ferguson. tiz just a program and is not linux related
google it, not hard to find, easily found on sat universe A150Combo_20120706_1.18B6_patch.rar is what yer after
thanks mickah. unfortunately, in the meantime, i thought i was doing myself a favor by updating my firmware to (the official) version 19. Will I be able to install version 18 over it, if you know what i mean.