Arrestee Database

Discussion in 'All other topics' started by nyk0n, Nov 1, 2008.

  1. nyk0n

    nyk0n Regular member

    Jul 6, 2008
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    My ex girlfriend was abused by her step father and i believe he got arrested.I wanted to make sure he is still behind bars..she moved to Denver but I have reson to believe she is back in Ohio. but i wanted to be sure before i go asking her back out..I felt I made a mistake breaking up with her I got angry becuz we were on a boat and she was shivering due to driving rain so i got her a towel,she refused it. so I put my arm around her she pushed me away. I got mad..then a few years later I called her and she confided in me about it. I want to make sure if I go to reconcile he wont be waiting (he doesnt like me,he thinks im geeky which is true but still that isnt a reason to hate me. like i said wanted to make sure is behind bars our firs date was a decade ago...and i wanted to find out of a database exists that is public where i can shearch by ether full name or last known I can find out if he is still incarcerated...thanks I hope the answers are in my the way "All other topics " they have to be tech related if so i am sorry but i couldnt think of a forum or site for these types of questions
  2. Evastar

    Evastar Regular member

    Apr 17, 2008
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    You do know he's going to get out at some stage? So whether he's out now or 2, 3 or 5 years down the road, if you are in a relationship with her you will have to deal with him.

    Because if you are going to this much trouble to find out about him you are obviously not looking for a short term relationship.

    Also, and i am not being nasty here or in any way commenting about people who have been abused, your ex-girlfriend is likely to have serious issues that will there all through your relationship. So if you broke up in the first place because she pushed you away, what are you going to do if other more serious stuff comes up?

    You want to think long and hard before contacting this girl. Because if you can't offer her commitment and understanding, you are just going to make her life worse. And you should just leave her alone now. No point in walking back into her life if you are going to walk away again if and when things get tough.
  3. Icanbe

    Icanbe Guest

    I would have to agree with what evastar has told you.
    Make sure you think long and hard about this before you get involved with her again.

    It's very abvious you still have strong feelings for her, But make sure it's worth it.

    Because no matter what happens, you will have to deal with him at some stage.
    One more thing, you should ask her if she has gotten any help with her issues since the last time you seen her, if she has it will make things a little easier for you guys.

    Best of luck to you, Hope it all works out.
    Last edited by a moderator: Nov 1, 2008
  4. rtm27

    rtm27 Regular member

    Feb 27, 2008
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    You can try I had used it to look up some info on some people before. You do have to pay for the site, and you can do searches by state.
  5. nyk0n

    nyk0n Regular member

    Jul 6, 2008
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    I have made a choice as to that situation...she is a really good friend of mine...i have expirience with cry greathildren, (on an unrelated topic) and she couldnt get the hang of dealing with her baby brother crying he had cholic (is that spelled right?) and i helped her thru its she was very greatful for that so it isnt just an emotioal attrachion its physical. its kind of like a "i scratch you back you do mine" kinda thing we have a long history i remember i used to get bullied and i had just moved to that school so me and her became friends and i thought about it and asked her out then the boat thing happend a few years later. point is i regret what i did and are 100% sure that it will not happen again. i have been thru conseling and i think that has helped alot...she is just a good friend and i wanted to fix my mistake..even if she has a bf its still worth a shot my dad tried to tell me she may have one and didnt want to see my get hurt...i think im prepared and just hope every thing works out for the best even not we will still be friends
  6. pyrite

    pyrite Member

    Aug 15, 2008
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    You know i don't really get this - you are saying she is a really good friend of yours but you don't even know where she is living.

    If you are such good friends why not ask her where he is?

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