OK Guys I have read the faqs page and it tells me I have to have a DVD Encrypter which I have downloaded and and an ASPI Layer, and the link takes me to Nero's home page, But when i get there what am I supposed to be downloading?? I am trying to use CloneDVD with a Pioneer A07XLA Burner
Hi Guy, Welcome to A/D Here's a good link to help you understand what an ASPI layer is: http://cd-rw.org/articles/archive/aspisetup.cfm All the links are there too, cheers, Pete _X_X_X_X_X_[small] The “old man” Pete (ö¿ô) Compaq 8000, Pent 4 CPU 2.84GHz, 1024MB RAM, 520GB HD. 4 Drives, Pioneer 107, 8X R/W , Nec R/W ND-1300A, JLMS DVD ROM, AXV CD/DVD-ROM. GeForce4 Ti 4200-128MB, OS– XP [/small]
Use this one. It's better ... newer force apsi v1.8. Instructions on the site. http://forceaspi18.w.interia.pl/ alternate download sites: http://wombleintheuk.tripod.com/Final/ForceASPI/ForceASPI.htm http://members.tripod.com/321ripforum/cgi-bin/upload/aspitools.zip _X_X_X_X_X_[small]Dell 8250, Pentium 4 2.80GHz 1.5 GB RDRAM, 200GB HD TDK 840G, Sony DDU-1612 DVD-ROM XP Pro, ATI All-In-Wonder 9000 Pro[/small]
If you are on windows xp and have problem after dowloading the ASPI file.Paste and copy the file from where ever you saved it to system 32 file which you will find in your windows files.This will sort out any problems. John179
I'm not sure I follow what you're saying. Could you elaborate? _X_X_X_X_X_[small] JMLS-166S/Plextor PX-708A/Plextor Premium My Movies! http://www.intervocative.com/dvdcollection.aspx/Rephaim Got Indie? http://cdbaby.com/[/small]
Ozjohn , clonedvd dosent need an aspi driver as it comes with its own drivers that enable it to burn . clone dvd does not copy copyright dvds so you will need a free software called dvd decrypter to first rip your dvd then you can use clonedvd to recode or you can do it the way i do , which is use a program called anydvd , it runs in the background and gets rid off any css encryption , then you can use clonedvd to rip , encode and then burn . you need to purchase anydvd not sure how much it is but its well worth it ! happy burning
woof811. It is very possible that you are talking about a different program than Ozjohn. CloneDVD 2 = http://www.elby.ch/ current version CloneDVD = http://www.clonedvd.net/ current version 2.5 DVD-ClonerII = http://www.dvd-cloner.com/ current version 2.30 DVD Clone Factory = http://www.dvdclone.us/ current version 5.5 Real Clone DVD = http://realclonedvd.lookingat.us/ current version 1.65 Super Clone DVD = http://www.dvd-clone-copy.com/ current version 3.0
sorry i didnt realise that many different companies produce different clonedvds . the one i was refering to comes from elby . happy burning )
OK Guys, I followed all the advice, got DVD Encryter, I use the Elby CloneDVD, I just backed up Driv3r PS2 and it is working fine, you are very clever people, Thanks!
Of course i had a little problem when usuing samrtripper.Everytime i started the programme up it came up with no aspi found.I then asked at AD myself and someone mentioned if you copy and paste aspi file from Nero in to system 32 file this would solve the problem of programes not finding the aspi.This worked for me and was glad of the advise. John179
I did try this as when you install nero it has one.I also tried to put aptec aspi on and smart ripper would not detect niether.But when i put it in my system 32 file all was ok.It was just a little advise i picked up at AD and it worked for me so i was happy.Can not remember who it was that advised but it sorted my problem out. John179