Ok, I'm seriously getting angry with this stupid problem. I'm not sure what caused it, but my Sound doesn't work with certain applications and then my PC lags. When I'm using Sound Recorder and attempting to record audio, playing Counter Strike, or even Using Yahoo Chat to call someone, my Sound vanishes and then my PC starts to drag until i shut the application down. I have no possible idea what this could mean, I've googled and googled as much as I can. I thought it might have been my sound card or audio device so I re installed and took the precautions others have had, and still nothing. And what drove me nuts is I did PC Recovery and lost all my stuff in attempt to make it go back to normal, and STILL nothing! Will someone please help me! I need help in the worst way so I can get back to gaming, chatting and recording. Thank you in advance kevin
My bad. this: sounded like you had a problem recording the other programs. Try running 'DxDiag.exe' from a command prompt. It may help you diagnose your problem.