Hello, I'm new to the forums so if this thread is in the wrong spot.....excuse please. I need a simple guide to Audacity. I have taken VOB files and converted to MP3. All I have is one long MP3 file and I need to edit these into tracks. Help Please!
great tool.. good documentation http://audacityteam.org/wiki/index.php?title=Splitting_recordings_into_separate_tracks
Highlight a section and play it. If it's the part you want, 'File' => 'Export Selection as WAV' or 'Export Selection as mp3'. Select your next part and repeat.
Thanks guys, I can export to WAV....no problem but, I can't export to MP3 even though I have LAME encoder and lib. installed?
I use the older version 1.2.6 and haven't seen the problem. http://www.audacityteam.org/wiki/index.php?title=Lame_Installation
You might want to try this free app. that does not re-compress the mp3... http://mpesch3.de1.cc/mp3dc.html
I'm on 1.2.4 and same here.. no problem at all. Only thing I can suggest is read the documentation carefully and check what you actually have installed.. it may be looking for liblame0