Audio CD's to DVD Rom advice please

Discussion in 'Audio' started by Disked, Apr 10, 2009.

  1. Disked

    Disked Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Having a DVD in-dash type car player, I would like to burn some of my CD's to DVD blanks to take advantage of the increased capacity.

    Would appreciate advice on programs that will handle this with reasonably easy to follow instructions....fairly new to this!
  2. djscoop

    djscoop Active member

    Feb 6, 2003
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    what is the make/model of your head unit? I'm guessing it probably plays mp3 CDs, but read your manual and see if it can play mp3s off DVDs. if it can, you can store probably 40 to 50 albums on one DVD which is pretty cool. like I said check and see if your head unit can play audio off of a DVD first. It might only play DVD videos.
  3. Disked

    Disked Member

    Jun 30, 2003
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    Yes, plays MP3's, DVD's (Video) VCD's and of course CD's.
    But not any format other than a normal DVD off a DVD disc.

    Sony MEX-R1.

    Closest I've been able to get, is to make a DVD AUDIO Disc off CD's, great quality and able to fit many CD's onto the DVD ROM, but will only play in DVD AUDIO capable decks. Made this off DVD Movie Factory.
    Nero Express claims to be able to make a "Jukebox" DVD capable of playing in DVD decks, but I can only get this to play in computer based players.

    Lots of talk and articles for grabbing DVD Audio of actual DVD's but I would think getting CD Quality onto the extra capacity of a DVD Rom would be of good benefit as well. MP3's are still a bit "wanting" even on a good car system!

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