Audio Mixes

Discussion in 'Audio' started by hkycoach, Feb 22, 2006.

  1. hkycoach

    hkycoach Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    Hello...I apologize if this is posted somewhere else, wasnt sure where to look. I have many dance mix cd's that I want to convert to mp3' problem, but when I do it takes each individual song as a track and treats it like its own sone and doesnt play "mixed". On the other hand I know you can "link" songs together prior to ripping in itunes, but I only use audiograbber. Linking is fine but I dont want to lose the ability to search through different track numbers...did I make this clear??

    Any help would be greatly appreciated!
  2. djsound

    djsound Member

    Feb 22, 2006
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    2 ways that i know of are:

    1. play the cd on a standalone player with a line hookup to your soundcard. Just record the audio that plays with a sound recording program like soundforge. Some programs will record directly to mp3 format. Others will record to wav format wich you will have to compress to mp3.

    2. Rip the cd to your hard drive in wav format. open the first track wave file in a audio editing program such a soundforge. Then open the next track. Take the 2nd track and copy and paste it to the end of the first track. Now open the 3rd track and copy and paste it to the end of the 1st file you were working with. Do this method until all the tracks have been copied and pasted into 1 huge wav file. save the huge wav file to the name of the mix. Now you need a program to compress the wav file you just saved to mp3 format. Poof!!! you mixe ed mp3 file with no gaps or separate tracks. IPOD ready!
  3. Yahko

    Yahko Member

    Feb 19, 2006
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    As far is i know Xilisoft and Cdex151(freeware programs) have the option of ripping of the cd as one track - you just set up the start and the end time something like 00:00:00 > 67:45:76 and it would make one mp3 track , even thought there are like 15 tracks on the cd you want to rip.

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