Hi, i burned ripped and burned seinfeld season 1 using shirnk and nero...i backed it up at about 60% aspect ratio (which i do with other shows all the time and they work fine). However when i watch seinfeld the audio doesnt seem to match the video...meaning the voices are not matching the people talking...if the persons mouth opens fir example...the voice will come in 2 seconds later...it is really annoying. Any help would be great, thanks in advance
Hello euro269. Could be bad media or an otherwise poor quality burn causing the problem. What is the brand and model of your burner? What brand, type (+R-R), and speed of media are you using? At what speed did you burn? If you have the Nero log for the burn, you might post that as well, removing your program serial number and name before doing so of course. The log is in one of the following paths depending upon your version: program files>ahead>Nero>nerohistory.txt program files>Nero>Nero7>Core>Nerohistory.txt Just post the section dealing with the burn of interest, probably the last section. Sections begin with ======s and then the serial number.