The movie has great video and audio when it plays on my pc but when I burned it to disc the audio drags(like its in slow motion..kinda) but the video is still great. Can anyone help? Please.
I used Windows dvd maker and I actully just got the dragging fixed and now its not dragging but the audio is too fast....any ideas?
Please go to the control panel in your pc, click add/remove programs, including updates and look if IE 8 is there. IE 8 has been reported here at AD to be causing havoc upon program users . If you have IE 8, please revert to IE 7 or remove IE 8 and use firefox Jo
Ok..I found it and Ive got IE 7. Im gonna try to remake the dvd using dvd you think it will work?
I use dvd flick. It works well and it is free. So use it and good luck. Please post back, good or bad (preferably good). And welcome to afterdawn. Jo
Hi, Im happy to say that Dvd Flick has fixed all the problems,Thanks for the help...i found all the info I needed on this site, Its great!