Here's my problem which I hope someone can help with . I couldn't find anyone doing anything similar - I'm trying to create quality music dvds . I want to burn DVD from an MPEG2 file captured from a VHS tape. Using Soundforge I create a wave file of the captured audio and clean it up . I then recombine the audio with the video ( using Power Director Pro which came with my NEC DVD burner ) This process creates a new MPEG2 file . Using NERO I can burn a VCD with no problem but when I burn a DVD the audio develops a horrible high frequency tinkly sound on it - probably due to some problem in the DVD compression . I've tried using AVI format with Ulead video editor but get the same result with DVD and a worse result with VCD. Has anyone got any suggestions on how to clean up audio tracks successfully . Great forum . Thanks in advance Roy
Try one of the Pinnacle products ( - I have uploaded footage from a DVD player with audio using their LINX cable with fairly good results but I believe they have a DVD editing/authoring product which includes a USB connection like LINX. You will always get a reduction in AV quality by uploading footage in this way simple because it will be compressed slightly during the uploading process so converting the audio again will only make it much worse, unlike DV footage from a camera where you get full quality via the firwire card.
Thanks for the info , I'll look into the s/w you suggest . I was just wondering why I get better results burning vcd compared to dvd