Hi there guys... This is my difficulty today. I'm preparing a DVD about my wedding and honeymoon and since I'm mixing several videos I'm having some problems. I have this huge video file (over 1 hour) from the ceremony and party. Plus I've got several short videos of my honeymoon. I've created in DVDLab Pro my menu with different submenus and when I try to compile the following error msg appears. When I demuxed the long video I got a pcm file which DVDLab Pro plugin converted to WAV. It seems DVDLab Pro doesn't like to have different audio formats, so my question is How do I convert "iglesia-fiesta_cut.wav" to an appropriate format which will be compatible to the rest of the audio formats available??? In this case, the audio files are in mpa. I've been trying to look for a tool but I had no luck so far. Any suggestion is welcome! Thnaks