I would like to download my own audiobooks, but it seems the only way I can bookmark them is to download them in an MP4 format. Does anyone know the best way to get my audio CD:s onto Itunes as MP$? Thanks a lot.
You can rip CD to AAC, M4a or MP3 and transfer to iTunes using iTunes. It is free. http://docs.info.apple.com/article.html?artnum=93079 There is also shareware which support ripping CD and transferring to iTunes and iPod. http://www.goripper.com/cd-to-ipod.html
Thanks for the site. I didn't realize that AAC is MP$a. I think what I need for bookmarking audiobooks is MP$n. Is there anything that will allow me to rip into this format? Are there any other formats that will bookmark on my Ipod> Thanks.