ok i have auto installer delux 4.0 on my desktop when i go to my nero do i just click make a data DVD then open AiD 4.0 and let it burn are do i have to go throught all that iso image and all that cause im not good with that stuff
the one i downloaded must of been a fake everything said Incomplete could someone give me the link to and actuall download and i beleive ive found a tutorial on how to do this
Chunckhead i now have aid 4.0 on my dvd but when i put it in my xbox nothing happens it just stays at a black screen on the tutorial it said that you go to your xbox dashboard*which i dnt have* then go to launch dvd so can i still do it...And i have my old xbox hard drive laying around is it possible to plug it to my xbox i have and trying the disc with that hard drive..my old xbox hard drive had and error 16 or 21 cant remeber
Did you burn it as a data disc? You can't do that... You need to burn it as an image! My HDD upgrade tutorial shows you how to do it! If you did it correctly and it still won't boot, well need to get your issue sorted!
Hey my XBMCv1.9 already has the linux iso in it...So can i just burn that as a image to a cd-rw or dvd+r...And when its done burning can i put it in my xbox are do i have to follow the rest of the tutorial like opening my pc and unpluging the hard drive and keeping the disk drive pluged up please help thx
ok the aid 4.0 installers are not working i tried the hotswap but where do i go to scan for hardware i know device manager but i forgot how to get there lol sorry chunkhead thx for sticking with me through all of this you've been a good help i just want to fix my xbox before i move cause ihave a feeling i might get and error screen cause it will be unpluged for like a week and a half
I don't think as virus will do that! Are you an Administrator on your computer or just a User? To get to 'System' try this... Press and hold the 'Windows' key and then press the 'Pause\Break' key.
Cunkhead i put AID on a dvd+r and cd-rw and i put linux on a DVD+r and cd-rw and none worked man i dnt know what will work oh ye i think i messed it up when i try to put XBMC when i renamed the dash i put default.xbe instead of unleasheddash.xbe i think thats why it messed up...I don't know why the hotswap want work but maybe if i'd could access my scan for devices it would but man i dont think i can fix my xbox/be fix so i might just have to buy another one later down the roda this will be the 3rd xbox i know i will not screw this one up.. but if you have any suggestions please help thx
Hmm, you're always ahead of the game and then you go and do something stupid! I'd advise against changing files. You have no understanding of what they do! In future, try and stick to only what's in my tutorials and heavily rely on AID to do all the coding work for you! I'll have a look over your posts and see if we can't get you going again! You have your eeprom right?