I have the starview 6, am wondering if one of the av senders will work with it? I have another tv upstairs and don't really want 2 run cables upstairs
Shouldn't be any problem. Took me four different makes and models to get one to work with a satellite box though so be prepared to poosibly have to keep returning and changing to a different make until you find one that works.
What brand did u find sucess with mooley? Also is there ones that u can get that if u buy an extra remote u can change the channel upstairs? Cheers
Not near it at the moment but 2 different models of the One-for-all make would not work for me at all. Tried 30m max distance ones and got a very week signal and tried 2 other 100m max makes and got no joy at all! I got them in Power City and they had no problem changing them to different makes when I brought them back. I just said they didn't work and they asked no questions. In the end a mate had bought some other make and I tried it and it worked. Unfortunately I'm not near it and I can't recall the name that works sorry. Update: Just phoned there and it's a 'Welltech' thats working. Hope that helps.