i have an ntsc xbox and it is running evox.I tried to install avalaunch but i get error 21 (through ftp) and then i am forced to reinstall evox brand new bcuz only the disk drive works. I REALLY want avalaunch bcuz it has a cool dash. I have no chip and my box is only softmodded(i have no intention of getting a chip) by the way, can evox play both pal and ntsc games? I need to sell it to my friend who has pal games and he may play some ntsc games, so i need to have my box be able to play both ANY HELP IS APPRECIATED!
Why not set up Avalanch as an app in E? I needed to format my G drive so I loaded Av in F and formated my G through Av since Evox did not recognize the full 320 gig
thats a good alternative but i had mainly wanted to setup avalaunch as my dash and also do you know if evox can play both pal and ntsc games?
also, along with my previous question(how to install avalaunch) do u no if evox can play both ntsc and pal games?
You can install it right smack dab off the AID disk, which every modder should have in his/her arsenal. Anyways, I don't think the dashboard has anything to do with what games the Xbox can or can't load. Thats just with the Xbox. Theres a program out there, never used it and don't plan to, its on the AID disk as well. It can switch back between PAL and NTSC, I do believe anyways.