I have a televison show season that i recentley downloaded. The file has 13 different episodes and each one is a different file. When I go to convert them to dvd format and burn the season to a disc, it only burns the first episode. How to i get them all into the same file, to convert them together and burn them together?
You probably won't get all 13 episodes onto a single disc and if you did the quality would probably be crapola. Virtualdub is one way of doing it, but an easier program would be Avi-Mux GUI. Program ~ http://www.alexander-noe.com/video/amg/ Guide ~ http://www.alexander-noe.com/video/amg/en_join_files.html I would start with only joining 4-5 files and see what the quality looks like and then go from there.
You should ...much easier to use than VDM. There is another joining program, just a GUI, that is similar but the name escapes me.