What is the fastest and best avi movie joiner. I have tried easy video joiner but get no sound. Please could someone let me know wat is best software. many thanks
You can also try WinAvi Convertor that does a great job. The only thing is that its shareware if you want it to work best you need to purchase it and i recommend it. You can find the link on my profile page.
I'd suggest AVI-Mux GUI or VirtualDubMod. Joining speed really comes down to the speed of your HDD's though since all it is doing is basically copying data.
Almost forgot about VirtualDubMod, I use that myself. The OP can find great guides for it here at aD. Download here http://virtualdubmod.sourceforge.net/ Guide http://www.afterdawn.com/guides/archive/virtualdub_join_avi.cfm