Does anyone where I can get a "FREE" Avi merger or Avi Joiner? Has anyone tried using Windows Movie Maker for combining Avi files? Is it worth it?
Thanks for the tip...Which "joiner" do you use???..I'm trying to get a free one but I've tried the demo of Avi Joiner v1.02, it's perhaps the best...!
I use Virtual-Dub and it works Great....Just make sure you set both the "Audio" and "Video" to "Direct Stream copy".....
1 Start VirtualDub and load in your first AVI file (from the "File" menu). LOAD 1st AVI File 2 From the "Video" menu, select "Direct Stream Copy". 3 From the "Audio" menu, select "Direct Stream Copy". 4 From the "File" menu, select "Append AVI Segment" and load in your second file. Keep on doing this until all of your files are loaded (please make sure you load them in the right order, from the first file, to the last). 5 From the "File" menu, select "Save as AVI" and save the AVI as a new file.
rick, can you please help me, i have two segements i would like to join, but it says it has different sampling rates and it wont join it. Also it says it has an invalid vbr audio and it asks to switch to cbr. any help would be appreciated as i would like to join these two video clips.
If the Audio in your AVI file is VBR MP3 Like it is in your AVI files you will have to decompress the audio in the AVI file before joining them... To do this Load in the First File and set the "Video" to "Direct Stream Copy" and set the "Audio" to "Full processing Mode" and then go to "File" to "Save as AVI" and save the File and when it is Done do the same thing with the Second File, after you have done this for Both files you can Join the 2 New Files together .... Cheers
I have downloaded VirtualDub and have read all the instructions which are very helpful and straight forward. The issue I'm having is that VD will open the first file without a problem, but tells me the second file is an invalid AVI: not a RIFF file. I'm lost.