Hello everyone, My dad just treated himself to a new Panasonic Projector and suround sound system. Can't think of the models right now but they're both VERY nice. I'm sooo jealous. Anyways, I was wondering what bitrate I'd need to keep the movie at when converting it from AVI using Nero Express 2 and burning onto DVD media. Normally I try to keep it above 5000 but it looks to low when played on the projector. I can see the squares/pixels. So what's the minimum?
The only way for you to find out is test it out. Try for the highest bitrate you can and see how it looks. You could have pixilation with how the AVI files are now. So what I might set mine at might be diffrent for your Dads projection TV. So my advice is get some DVD-RW and try diffrent bitrates and see how low you can go on it before you see a big diffrence.