what is the fastest converter, i have dvdsanta and this take forever maybe two to three hours to convert a avi movie, need help a nd advise
I think the fastest is ConvertXtoDVD. Has a free trial that you can check out - leaves a watermark though - but would give you an idea if it meets you needs before you buy.
i have try the convertxdvd and i have a 1:40:00 movie and still it takes more than 1 1/2 hr. to convert is this normal or is there something out there much faster
Nope 1-1/2 hrs is pretty normal. Remember you're taking one file format and converting it to another. ConvertX is one of the fastest ones out there. The 1-1/2 hrs you're getting w/ ConvertX would take roughly 2 hrs w/ Nero Vision. To try and speed things up some - have no unneeded programs running, run a disc defrag if you haven't recently and run a registry cleaner like the free ccleaner. Use the issues and cleaner options. If you haven't cleaned out the dust inside the pc recently might be a good idea to do that do. Or buy a dvd player that supports divx - that way you just burn as a data disc.