I use Avi2Dvd to convert my avi files to vob files. When I burn it with nero express the audio lags behind the video. How can I fix this problem. The Avi files are files that I joined together before converting.
hi load these avis separatly to avi MUX-GUI a free app highlight the avi then click the long button underneath it may tell you the ms delay (when you highlight the results below) then you just click START to make anew file, do this for both avi
The merged files audio and video are in synch but after I use Avi2Dvd it becomes out of synch. Should I chage the bitrate. Its currently at 384
This is the info of the merged files File : 2.06 GB (1.99 GB), duration: 4:56:39, type: AVI, 1 audio stream(s), quality: 48 % Video : 1.72 GB, 832 Kbps, 23.976 fps, 640*480 (4:3), XVID = XVID Mpeg-4, Supported Audio : 271 MB, 128 Kbps, 48000 Hz, 2 channels, 0x55 = MPEG Layer-3, Supported I used AVIcodec to get the info. Also this is more then 2 joined files, they are 13 episodes of the same anime merged together so that I can fit more on a DVD. Before encoding I check the file and everything is in synch. Then after Avi2DVD it become out of synch. I just noticed that when I converted the last file it was 384 Kbps while the original is 128Kbps. Can this be the problem or am I barking up the wrong tree.
hi not sure here? it may have something to do with 13 ep's made into one file? what i would do is check each one for ms delay then load all separatly into the app, i used to use avi2dvd then found a better app free also called TFM The FilmMachine
It worked the only weird thing is that after 2:30 hours I can't fast foward anymore. Its weird, is I let it paly it will the play the whole 4:30 hour but if I try to fast foward after 2:30 it jumps to the beginning. Thank you for your help.
hi to tell the truth i am not surprized at 13 ep's being fitted to a dvdr thats a hell of a squash in! the usual for 30 min ep's is fitting about 5 and all is ok with settings and quality, so you are asking it to do miracles and from what you say it did its best for you... congrats...