i just downloaded this program to put a bit torrent on dvd to watch on my dvd player.everything works with the exception of "choose an audio stream". it comes up as a blank box and i cant imput anything into it. i thought it was a problem when i downloaded it so i deleted it and re-installed it. same result. any ideas?
Is there an audio stream with the AVI? If so, what audio format? Does the AVI play on the PC? You could try a different program. All of the following are free or have free trials: VSO's ConvertXtoDVD: http://www.vso-software.fr/products/convert_x_to_dvd/ DVD Copy 4 Platinum: http://www.intervideo.com/jsp/InterVideoDVDCopy_Profile.jsp TMPGEnc Express 3: http://tmpgenc.pegasys-inc.com/en/product/te3xp.html DVD Santa: http://www.dvdsanta.com/ The Film Machine: http://members.home.nl/thefilmmachine/ NeroVision: http://ww2.nero.com/enu/index.html DVD Santa and ConvertXtoDVD watermark the output in their free trials.
Try what laddyboy said if that doeent work could be that you are missing a audio codec for example ac3 filter, dont know if this could cause it not to show up, easiest way to see is to open with Gspot and look under audio. Also please give more info as to which software you are using and what format the original file was in.