I'll cut to the chase I'm trying to convert one of my AVI's to a DVD and I'm using AVI2DVD to do the job. However, once I've gone through the setup and configuration, added a job and I press "GO !!!", it fails shortly afterwards. I check the log, and I see; [22:51:14] Starts Mp3->Ac3 convertion ... [22:51:15] Ac3 generated successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\shabby\Desktop\Avi2dvd_temp\AudioStream 1 MP3 1CH.ac3 -1 Bytes] I assume this means that converting the MP3 to AC3 didn't go too well.. Does anyone know what I can do to fix the problem? Tried my bitrate at 192 and 224. (Along with many others, in panic ) Thanks in advance for any help =) Astrameni
Hi, I have the sme problem. Tried in different computer disks and it keeps on appearing the same problem. Shortly after starting: Ac3 generated successfully ! [C:\Documents and Settings\Filmes\Avi2dvd_temp\AudioStream 1 MP3 2CH.ac3 -1 Bytes] [22:34:35] Job NOT Done. There are warnings ... Find at the log file the 0 byte generated file to focus where exactly the problem appears. I can't figure out what to do, PLEASE HELP!!!