Has anyone copied this DVD? I tryed all after noon and never got the job done. I used DVD FAB Decrypter. Tryed the free version first then downloaded the trial version. No luck. Could someone enlighten me on this DVD? Thanks
thavo, DVDFAB Decrypter should do it if it is the newest version as I had no problem doing that movie last year. Is the movie scratched? It might also be a bad mastering press and then it needs to be exchanged for a better Disk. AnyDVD will also do it if the disk has no problems
I also did this movie using DVD Decrypter and DVD Rebuilder. As Car.Mike asked is this movie scratched, or has some other kind of imperfection in it?
Thanks for the replys. I fear it might be the new dvd 9 protection they are talking about. DVD Fab Gets so far and it just stops. My Grandson rented the movie just out(The Big Gorilla) can't think of his name off top pff my head and it says right on the DVD box that it won't play in a DVD rom player and it wouldn't. I tryed my sony dvd rw on my new computer and it wouldn't mount. Played just fine in my stand alone hooked to TV.
Are you thinking of King Kong? I used DVD Fab Decrypter and DVDShrink and had no problem what so ever. Maybe it's your burner! I use a Samsung 616t DVD reader, with DVD Fab Decrypter to copy to HDD, the I use my NEC 3550A with DVDShrink to burn with and like I said no problems. Since I only save the movie and not the extras, I find all I need is DVD Fab Decrypter and DVDShrink.