Hello, Due to the UK getting many of my favourite shows really late I have begun to download them off the internet. As I was fed up of watching them on the computer I attempted to put them on a dvd using ConvertX to DVD. I put four episodes of Heroes on the first disc and and these were from each file being 350mb avis. This disc worked and I was really pleased with the quality as I thought it would be rubbish. So onto the second disc, I did exactly the same but then the last episode froze. As I had seen this problem with another DVD backup I went back and ran the DVD files through Nero Recode and this helped fix the problem. So I went onto make the third disc and made it through ConvertX and ran this through Nero Recode (just to be safe!) and then burned it. But then I was back to the original problem of the last episode freezing again. So this time I am out of ideas as the Nero Recode fix hadn't worked. I thought of the usual ideas of the disc being the problem as they were pretty cheap I have to admit, but I have made many successful backups with these discs so I don't think that could be the problem. I could be wrong but would the burning speed cause this as I burned them at 8x, although I have done many discs at this speed and it worked. This was the first time I have used this program so it hasn't given me much faith it it, but does anyone have any idea on how to fix this, its so annoying and I'm wasting discs!
ConvertX is a pretty good program. You could output the files to a folder and use your media player to verify that the files are good. Burn it with another app, like ImgBurn (an excellent free burner). That way you can probably figure out if its the transcoding or burning stage causing the problem. As a side note, if the running time of the files is taking it to the outer edge of the disk and you are using less than optimum media, then that may be where the problem lies.
Hi, Freezing video is a sign of cheap media quality, and/or burned too fast, and/or burned too close to the edge (On cheap media). Try a slower burn, x4.0 or even x2.0 if you must !