I'm using a software called Apollo to backup my DVD's, it works well in most cases but i've found that it will not backup certain Disney movies and Star Wars. from reading certain threads, i assume i should get AnyDVD which I install and continue to use Apollo to make copies as AnyDVD works in the background, is this correct. TIA
that should do it! yes it works in the background and breaks the encryption that is stopping your program from copying! here is the download for the free 21 day trial: http://www.slysoft.com/en/download.html use it as much as possible and then you can deside for yourself if you want to buy it...... it's a great little program with life long updates! considered a must buy by many members!
I'm not familiar with Apollo,but anydvd will rip off cd/dvd encryption for a slew of burn programs.It's also said to make a drive region free and updated very regularly. Try the 21 day free trial. I'll bet you love it!I am a tight a** when it comes to purchasing software.This is the only non-free program that I recommend. As long as you can see the little red fox icon in your lower utility tray,it's a running. No extra step involved. I keep mine disabled,until the need arrises. Dvd43 is another background ripper and free. Very slow on getting updates. Having both dvd43 and anydvd may cause issues.