Please!! I took my xbox to maintenance and the technician said my old modchip had spilled some liquid on the board and he has to clean it and change the chip. The problem is I also want to change my hd for a bigger one but don't wanna lose my save files. Where are they kept and how can I backed them up?? Any help is appreciated.
Get Xbox Game Saves Manager and use that to transfer all your gamesaves to your PC. Then you can use it to send them to the new one. Also, a lot of game saves won't fit on a memory card.
Thanks you guys!! I think I'll try to use the memory card stuff cause I'm too retarded to link my X to my PC...unles there's a guide for noobs to do that.
I also know nothing about PCs - I have a memory card, but I don't have the option to save my Project Gotham 2 data to it. I have done a quick Google search and it looks like the X-box saves manager is a download for the PC, if I get it will I then need to buy a specific wire to connect my PC to my X-box?
So according tothis message up here even if I had a memory card I wouldn't be able to save all my games. That's just great!! I need a guide for morons to link a pc to an X... Maybe this would help more.
there's one more thing. After bringing my X home from the repair shop I played forza which was the only game on the hd and to my surprise my profile wasn't there!!! Instead there was a profile simply called 'profile' with 15 min of gameplay. Mine had over 50...I don't even know if I still want to save anything else...