I have succesfully backed up some of my DVD movies using DVD Shrink onto blank 4.7gig blank DVD's, it is often easy to see that the Quality is reduced due to the Shrinking. I have some DVD-R DL blank DVD's, which is the best (and easiest) program to use for Backing UP DVD movies onto Dual Layer Disc's so that i retain the quality of the original, please . tim
The best way of copying to a dl disc is to use DVDDecryper in ISO read then Imgburn to burn. Note: You will need a program like anydvd working in the background to break the latest movie encryptions. EDIT: You will also need to set up DVDD to work properly with anydvd if you take my advice
"pazzini" thanks pal very helpfull, i didnt realise that imgburn can cope with Dual Disc's. quote :- EDIT: You will also need to set up DVDD to work properly with AnyDVD if you take my advice what do you mean by "set up DVDD" ???? if i use AnyDVD ? PS everywhere i look, it says i should use IMGBURN instead of DVD Decrypter anyway, this really confusing. tim
use dvddecrypter to rip in iso mode then select burn in iso mode, imgburn should open automatically and start the burn.
You need to adjust DVDD settings in order for them to work together so there are no conflicts. Imgburn is updated and is the better burner out of the two, Imgburn also handles the layer break more effeciently.
Here is how to set DVDD up Tools, settings, I/O and tick ElbyCDIO Tools, settings, CSS, CSS cracking method select NONE. Tools, setting, general, untick check for structure protection Now anydvd and DVDD will work together without any problems