I love CloneDVD. But now and then after backing up a movie, I can't delete the temp folder. There folder is empty but when I try to delete it it says, "Cannot delete *insert movie name here*: Cannot find the specified file. Make sure you specify the correct path and file name." I have tried re-naming the folder and I can't do that either. I've tried dragging and dropping into the trash, can't do that. I've tried right clicking and deleting. Hu-uh. All the simple stuff won't work. The folders aren't doing anything to my computer but it's really annoying having multiple blank folders that I can't delete. Any suggestions are appreciated.
The temp folder is where the program puts the file temporarily so it has it to burn onto your disk and then automatically deletes that file upon exit. The folder is necessary to the program.
if your program is opened you will get that message. It's still being used by the program...... You can delet the temp folders...... I have..... and if, after closing CloneDVD2, and you still can't delete the folder then just highlight it and right click the mouse and go to properties and unclick read only or hidden or both! then you can delete it! I bought another Maxtor External hard drive and now I do all my back ups on one of my external hard drives. So all my temp folders and work folders and back ups are put on my external drive and then I just format or delete the folders and movies as needed! This way it saves on my internal hard drive and I don't have to defrag too often now and my programs are always protected with a backup on my new larger external hard drive!
Thanks. But these suggestions don't work. I created C:/Temp for the temporary storage of the files while the movie is backing up. I have checked the option of 'delete temp files when movie is finished backing up'. Once the movie has completed, it will eject the DVD. So I go to my C: drive and look in the temp folder I created for temp storage. There will be a folder of the name of the movie I just finished with 0 bytes. The folder is empty. So when I try to click to delete, drag to trash, properties and unclick read only, all these have been tried but will not remove the folder. It's VERY annoying. Any other suggestions? Thanks again.
The only reason is I wanted one folder to store all my temp backup info from CloneDVD and DVDShrink. So for both programs I have the temp files go to this one folder. Just easier for me in my own mind.
C:/Temp is used by Windows. maybe that's the reason why you can't delete that folder in Temp? don't know why though.... I delete just fine! There's got to be something opened that is using that folder that stops you from deleting.
Have you tried deleting the contents/sub directories in the folder first and then the whole folder. Since you say you send info to them possibly there is something in it you need to delete first.
Windows uses the Temp folder that is in C:/Windows/Temp. If this is a folder that you created yourself should be able to delete it, try deleting the contents first and then delete the folder. Create folder again but rename it to Temporary instead of just Temp so there is no confusion.
You're Right Arniebear.... but..... many programs do use C:\Temp so at least one program is using it and is open for it not to be able to delete it. find that program, close it and then you can delete it.
A tip.... this is what i do,i never since day one use the default temp folder for clonedvd. i send the movie files to one of two places. external hard drive for keepers,set for not to remove the ripped movie files. file name clonedvd movie keepers..... secondary internal hard drive just for temp movie files set with the auto remove. clonedvd temp......