I have purchased Adobe's Production Suite software package and as it cost so much I would like to make a backup copy should the original disks become damaged. I tried using Roxio 6 copy software to back up the disks, but it would only copy 3 of the 5 DVDs. After some experimenting it seems that it fails when encountering certain very large files on the 2 remaining disks. I cannot even copy them direct to my hard drive through windows explorer. Can anyone recommend suitable software that would backup my disks? Thanks.
Is you HDD formated in FAT32 and not NTFS, as that would cause the problem with large files backup if Roxio is creating an image as FAT32 cannot backup a file larger than 4g.
All hard drives are NTFS formatted. The filesizes, if I remember correctly, are all around 1 to 2GB in size.
Possibly then it is some kind of protection on these disks. You might want to try another computer if you have access to one and see if you have the same problem. Or another burning sw, you can try the demo version of Nero and see if that will get by it. http://ww2.nero.com/enu/index.html Although, sometimes Nero and Roxio do not get along, but it is worth a try if you want.