I have a lot of TV show seasons and I want to back them up for play in a regular DVD player. I have read some of the guides here as well. All of the Seasons consist of 4 DVD9 discs. Since I have a DL DVD burner in my m1330, I can make a direct copy of each disc without any degradation correct? (menus and all.) Also how much space do Episodic DVD9 discs generally take up per disc? For example could I remove the menus and extra languages, and then have 2 of the episodic DVDs copied on to 1 blank DL DVD? (having 2 DVDs per season instead of 4.) thank you
I don't see an edit button Anyway I have seen TONS of programs recommended. Which one is generally considered the best for what I am trying to do? (episodic dVD, no compression.) Also Verbatim media is the best? What about sony DL discs?
I would say give dvdfab platinum a try, as it contains a 'merge' function to merge the files onto one disk.
okay also please address my other questions if you can I have read alot about removing menus to get the size lower. If I remove the menus for TV show episodic DVDs, would it just play through the episodes in order?
If you're wanting to burn with no compression why would you want to remove the menus? EDIT: Pgcedit will remove menus.
I stated in the top posts I have 4 DVD9 discs for a season - I was wondering if with the menus and languages removed I would be able to fit the season on just two DL Discs.
Depending on the file size of each episode, stripping them down to the bare language, they should play one after the other with little to no compression on a dvd9 disk.
Just use DvdShrink's Reauhor mode (it's FREE) to merge the episodes together if you don't want menus and can remove unwanted languages. Set the Taret DVD size to DVD-9 under Preferences. You will soon know if there's any compression needed or not.