I used to back up my purchased DVDs using DVDSHrink and CloneDVD2 with great success some time ago. I lost my comp for a long while and have started backing up again. I am using the demo of AnyDVD, and have found DVDshrink does not work anymore.So I have started experimenting with other programs in conjunction with CloneDVD like DVDFAB and IMGburn. Nothing seems to work. When I put the backed up copy in the DVD player or computer it freezes or does not play. For media I use Sony 1.2 1x-8x 120/min 4.7gb DVD+R RW Accucore or Verbatim DVD-R. Both do not work.My burner is a Lite-on DVDRW SOHW-1633S. I am at my wits end. What combo do you all use that works.
All of the programs you mentioned should work. CloneDVD2 will not do encrypted movies on its own it needs AnyDVD in the background. Shrink will do older movies but not the newer protected ones it needs AnyDVD or DVD43 in the background to get through these. DVDFab Decrypter will rip all movies to your HDD and then you can process with Shrink. The media you are using is good, however when was the last time you updated the firmware on the burner? Does your player play +R and +RW format media, some do not.
Must have been the media, I tried using some old DVD-Rs I had around the house worked great. Who'd a figured, Sony I thought was good quality, I guess I am stuck with 150 of them. Back to Verbatum. Thanks for all the help.
Try looking into that fw update for your burner, it may be why the burner is having problems with the media.
@ arniebear As the hd dvd situation progresses, will we still be able to back them up in a similar fashion to the way we do now? I know it will be awhile before hds are an every day item, but I was just wondering. Will we be able to back up to single layer like we do now if we record the "movie only" or will we have to backup to hd blanks only. The quality we get now is very good in my opinion. I would be more than happy being able to back up at present quality from hd.
I don't see why you should not be able to backup in the same way. You will just not have the HD capability, but as you say it will probably look better.