hello i have just bought monsters inc on DVD and i wish to back it up, i always use "DVD FAB DECRYPTER" to rip DVDs to my HDD and remove all kinds of protection in order for DVD shrink to then compress it and put on a DVD However when i use DVD FAB DECRYPTER on monsters inc, in the output folder it reports the size as a mere 200mb and when opening DVD shrink and adding it it only recognises this bit and wants to burn about 200mb on to my DVD Can anyone help or even suggest as to why this problem arises?? Thanks Ry
Hi ryan_esx7 That is quite odd - DVD Fab rips the whole thing. No options to change to only do like movie only. Try Shrink by it's lonesome - should be able to handle - I don't remember anything special on this one but it's been awhile. Or try ripping with DVD Decrypter (no longer updated like Fab but should handle this one). Then opne those files in Shrink. http://www.mrbass.org/dvdrip/
There is a new version of DVDFab Decrypter, try that one and see if it does the job. Unless this is a reissue of Monsters, Inc. DVDFab, DVD Decrypter and Shrink should be able to handle this one. http://www.dvdidle.com/free.htm
yes i am using the latest version of DVD Fab (dowloaded an update yesterday) but will still only rip 200mb to my hard-drive and DVD shrink is not able to read it ry
If you have not tried the trial of AnyDVD then get that and use it either behind Shrink, or it has a built in ripper that will remove any blank or unreferenced cells. http://www.slysoft.com Also, there is a new ripping program that integrates with the old DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink. It is called RipIt4Me and is supposed to work on new encryptions. You can read more here and dl. http://forum.digital-digest.com/showthread.php?t=67918 Have you tried the old DVD Decrypter on it's own to rip this movie, you can try it in either file, or iso mode and see if that proggy will work. http://home.comcast.net/~bbmayo/software.htm