Anyone know what kinda of protection WC3:TFT has and how to get around it? I've tried Alcohol a bit but I may not be doing it right. I can make a back up but it wont get past it's CD validation check.
first of all [bold]use ClonyXXL[/bold] to find out the copy porotection used, besides when i did it i think it was a SafeDisc2? but anyway use Clony and you have a 90+% chance of finding the protection with an illustration of the ocpy protection strength. if you cannot back it up with Alcohol 120% , try other softs. like Pinnacle Instant Copy or even better BlindWrite (i use this one) they are just as good if not better. also the first time i tried bakcing up both TFT and ROC (warcraft 3) they did not work the first time aroun, therefore i had to try about two to three times to get it working. Probably the most up to date protection of that nature. keep your results posted... PS: 10/10 for BlindWrite, make sure to try it, i liked it so much that i bought it, convenient, reasonable speed and reliability.
A ray scanner is a NEWER and updated product, You cann use it to determine the protection on your original, And then transfer the same setting using alcohol 120%. ClonyXXl is a good product, but it is old and no longer bieng updated. Whereas, A ray scanner was just updated a few weeks ago. Both of the programs are freeware also. Good luck.