Backing up xbox games, 1 more time please for the slow people

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by DLyon4, Oct 11, 2007.

  1. DLyon4

    DLyon4 Regular member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Hi All,
    First time here and first post, so please bear with me. I recently joined the xbox scene at the ripe old age of 47. A friend's son gave me his old console after upgrading to xbox360. I have already softmodded mine using the MechAssault exploit and am running both evolutionx and XBMC. I haven't yet invested in a HDD replacement, (don't know what drive I want or need). I have read just about everything I can digest on backing up games. I don't think I understand how to back up a game to a bootable disk. Here is what I understand:
    1) you put the game in your xbox drive.
    2) using a ftp program you access your xbox D: drive
    3) you ftp the contents of D: to a storage folder on your computer
    4) you create an ISO of that folder's contents
    5) you burn that ISO image back to a disk
    6) the disk is then capable of being played on your xbox

    I know, long intro to my questions, but here goes.

    Is that all there is to it? Because I don't understand why you ISO the folders image you data copied using a ftp program to your computer. Is it so you can burn an image instead of making a data disk? Shouldn't you have to burn an image of the actual disk in the xbox D: drive? Also some where it was mentioned you have to modify the .xbe files. Why and How? Finally my OEM of Nero6 is now saying it is incapatable with my version of XP, the only difference is I installed SP2, sooo what is the second best or the best burning software (and perhaps a link to it's location :)). Thanks all for taking the time to read my novel.
  2. chunkhead

    chunkhead Regular member

    Oct 20, 2006
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    You are 'Almost there'! Here's a better layout...

    1) you put the game in your xbox drive.
    2) using a ftp program you access your xbox D: drive
    3) you ftp the contents of D: to a storage folder on your computer
    4) you create an ISO of that folder's contents using QWIX (Xbox Software)
    5) you burn that ISO image back to a disk
    6) the disk is then capable of being played on your xbox

    There is a tutorial covering all of this, click on my signature!

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