Backup/Burned games on Live?

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by swordguy9, Jun 20, 2006.

  1. swordguy9

    swordguy9 Guest

    I was wondering why my backups of games wont let me sign into Xbox Live... is this cause my eeprom would be banned if i did? or just some flaw.... anyone know how i could get it to work? thanks.
  2. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    You have got to be kidding.... Its because your banned you can't play on XBL w/ backups to do so would mean that you would need your chip enabled if you did that then they found out you have a modded Xbox and banned it accordingly, consider that your lesson learned only original games can be played on XBL.
  3. swordguy9

    swordguy9 Guest

    im deffinately not banned from live, i can prove that to you if you really want, and i have a softmod not a hardmod. i still cant get on live with a backup though so im not sure if your post was any help.
  4. shademand

    shademand Regular member

    Apr 28, 2005
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    Lets just take a common sense approach here you can't get on XBL with a backup... MAJOR POINT HERE: If you could no one would be purchasing original games, thats what happened to Dreamcast you know, but hey don't take my word for it... read this post the member asks the same question funny thing is that member was you too

    BTW If you attemped to get on XBL even if your softmodded take a look in your MS dash memory section then tell me what you see? When you attempt to go on to XBL the system scans your Xbox's memory so when they see those files they instantly know your Xbox has been modded and they institute a Ban

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