Ok i am trying to play a backup of hitman blood money and tomb raider legend. I copy them to the xbox with dvd2xbox then to my computer through ftp. Then i use qwiz to create the iso and i have tried nero, dvd decrypter, and alchohol 120% i can only burn at lowest speed of 6x and no go. I tried in 2 different dvd burners, one was a hp the other is a lite on, the lite on is brand new. The hp used to work fine, but now it doesn't. I also tried generic media, memorex 16X media and maxel 8x media also i tried a rewritable. DVD2xbox sees it but it won;t launch through evox, or on reboot. I did manage to get the rewritable to read in dvd2xbox then when i went out to the dashboard it played, but only got to loading around 20% and thats it. The game play fine on the hard drive but not when trying to make a disc copy. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
hi dont know about hitman but have done tomb raider (and now played it 100%, bit crap really but there you go) why are you backing up to xbox, then to pc? have you still got the original discs? That might work fine, I dont know and have never done it that way but i did it straight from xbox disc drive to PC using FlashFXP, then used quix, making sure the crosslink identical files option is ticked or it will not work!!!!!!!!! try it that way and see what happens, guides etc can be found on afterdawn, just use search.
2 problems there 1. you used Memorex DVd's which are total crap 2. you used 16X speed which also do not work well Use a good quality 8X DVD-R or some people also use 8X DVD+R Then you should be ok. I have both of those games so i know they work from both the disc and HDD you could also try using Craxtion4 rather than Qwix to rip the game from the Xbox to the PX and create the ISO That is what i use.