Backed up Forgotten using AnyDVD in background and DVD Shrink3.2 to HD. Burned to DVD using NERO. Backup plays find on PC and cheap DVD player but not on PIONEER DV414. Media TDK +R 4x. PIONEER message "CANNOT PLAY DISK". Tried deleting IFO and remaking with IFO Edit (fixing VTS sectors etc., Changed from Region Free to Region 1, no luck. Prior to the 'bad sector' new copy protection scheme used DVD Decrypter and DVD Shrink but would not work with 'Forgotten'. Used same media on other titles and works on Pioneer. Any idea's what on what I could try appreciated.
For anyone who cares (doesn't seem to be anyone) I got it to work. Slow burn to 2.4x on 4.0x media. Backup works fine.