backup optimization

Discussion in 'Xbox - Backup discussion' started by bahamut86, Dec 18, 2004.

  1. bahamut86

    bahamut86 Guest

    i have recently backed up NFSU2 it works fine but it seems the xbox is working overtime to read the disc, the disk plays fine on my xbox (with alot of noise) but 2 of my friends both get dirty disc errors at the menu screen, i thought maybe the disc has all the files but are scatterd over the whole disc does anyone know of such program that will optimise the disc structure and give the laser some rest?
  2. Degallle

    Degallle Regular member

    Oct 21, 2004
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    Negative, usually it just because your laser it's self has either been messed with or is going out and causing it to not know the right voltage amount. You could try replaceing the drive, or possibly a new laser (depending on the type of drive), or just someother cool things.

    If you need some more help just post,
  3. PG2115

    PG2115 Regular member

    Dec 13, 2004
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    Well for one are your friends xboxs modded because if they arnt they wont work on their xboxs. They only work on modded xboxs. And if they are maybe their xboxs jsut dont like that media. lol

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