Does anyone know of a way of backing up Philips CD-I Discs. I scratched one of my favorites andnow it wont play. I want to backup the rest of my collection. Thanks in advance.
Unfortunately for you and everyone else, CD-i format is still not crackable for back-up. People have tried for years to break the coding, but philips actually designed a format that is seemingly impossible to copy. In other words, take very, very good care of your CD-i games, especially the 3 Zelda games, Mario Hotel, The Apprentice and all of your other games because eventually the numbers of games will deminish even more and maybe one day become extinct.
Believe it or not I figured out a way to copy my CDI discs. I even copied Zelda and Link. I do not wish to disclose how I did it so as not to send an alarm to the coping software I use as they may put a stop to it.
I don't want to take a chance because I know the discs are copywrited. Do you have a CDI player ? The model number makes a difference. The copy media makes a difference. And other factors. So far I copied Mario, Voyeur, Comptons, and many others. They work great.
Philips CD-i 220 and also a Philips CD-i 910. The systems will never be rare but the games will, so if you have a secret you should share it with the online community.