Hey, everyone's talking about backing up ps2 games, but I've never heard anyone say anything about copying xbox games. So, this must mean it is very difficult (if even possible at all) So...IS it possible? Does anyone know?
wassup... xbox games, eh? its not too hard, just takes some time, patience, and risk. i've successfully modded my xbox. I put in a matrix mod chip with the Evox D6 EJ Bios, and also upgraded the harddrive to a 40GB maxtor (you can put your games on there and also emulators of NES, SNES, ATARI, MAME, etc..) check out my site: http://www.geocities.com/daseamonkey420 it'll give you the downlow on what you need and how to do it.. NOTE! i've updated my dvd section, made it a cleaner interface. as always, drop me a note or PM if ya got questions seamonkey420