Wondering if you guys can help me. I went to flash another drive and accidently flashed my Liteon 1613 instead - with the complete wrong firmware - thus killing it. I can only boot with the drive detection disabled in bios otherwise it hangs at the POST screen. I am knowledgeable about MTKFlash since I've used it regularly for my Xbox 360. MTKFlash does correctly detect that there is a device on the IDE port in question, so it's not completely dead. Basically I am getting a "Status = 80 should be 70" error. I have tried holding down the eject button on startup and even hot swapping the power at the selection menu then quickly pressing 1 (which sometimes works with other drives). Any ideas?
Man you are scewed. I say this based upon the other two forums you posted this on; http://club.cdfreaks.com/showthread.php?t=193837#post1552390 & http://forum.rpc1.org/viewtopic.php?p=192531 lol I uncovered them whilst googling trying to fix your problem and it seems pretty dead from what i read in the other two places mate... Can't you DOS flash it...I never have and you might have tried judging by your other threads in other forums but... http://digi.rpc1.org/163.php http://digi.rpc1.org/dos.htm Dunno just trying to help out mate - you have had a right tough time with this one lol
Those firmwares aren't for my drive. MTKflash is dos flashing. Meh, so despite the drive technically not being dead, it's useless as the drive never gets in a ready state for flashing. Meh.