I've recently soft modded my box with SID 4.5. It's the dual retail mode installed so i play xbox live in retail mode and screw around in modded mode! So anyways i was playing xbox live for hours on end, then power off and go do something else. Now A Day Later i sign into xbox live and get a msg saying "Modified Xbox Error" Your software or hardware has been modified goto xbox.com for more info. Oviously i have been banned from xbox live, But why did i get banned when im using a soft mod thats capable of going to retail mode, and only able to ACCESS XBOX LIVE IN THAT MODE? If ANyone can help me or suggest something it would be greatly appreciated. Thankx
Hum... from what i've heard... Maybe this is wrong.... you could take off all the mods and try to log onto xbox live from there. Idk, it could work. I haven't been banned so i really wouldn't know much about it, but just try it and let me know.. .thanks!
I did uninstall everything and thats where i get that msg Modifed Xbox Error! But i just discorvered from another site, that if you have an upgraded Hard drive like me which is 160gb HD The softmod will not hide it the size of hard drive, there for they ban you! But how do you change your eeprom without a modchip???
i dont know how to change the EEPROM all i know is that... hum.. how to softmod with a regular xbox and how to explain it really well... here is a guide i made(*easy to understand*). it's called HELP?????????? If that help great... if i doesn't then idk!!