yeah i ripped this to the hd with dvd fab and when i use dvd shrink to shirnk it it says its %98 quality but its like 300 megs over and the worse the quality u set it on the bigger the file gets any one else have this problem?
l3igl3ang, Welcome to the forum. Did you set the target size in Shrink to Custom 4350. Doing that will enable you to not burn to the outer rim. I would have used DVDFAB Decrypter then used VobBlanker to correct any structural problem and then used Shrink. Try using VobBlanker on the DVDFAB Dec. files and see if that helps
yeah i ripped it to the hd with dvdfab then i open the folder with shrink so i can fit it on the disk but its over sized and the worse the ratio gets the bigger that file gets i thinks its a protection causeing this cause my other moives copied fine.
as usual Car.Mike is right on the money! Read this guide and follow Alkohol's advise and let him guide you through everything..... there is a reason why your movie won't go through Shrink normally! Nice call Car.Mike!