Hey i sont have enough display memory to run battlefeild 2 does anyone know how i cant get more can i download somthing or can i free it up and how? or do i just have to buy somthing please help me
Give us some system specs, they ALWAYS help! Take a look here..... http://www.computing.net/gaming/wwwboard/forum/4844.html Pulsar
Like I have just said, GIVE US SOME SYSTEM SPECS. If you do not tell us what you have in your system we CANNOT help you!!!! PLEASE TELL ME WHAT YOU HAVE!!!!!!!!!!!! Pulsar
i dont need to tell u specs all u need to know is that my display driver isnt good enough my display memory is 64.0 i need 128.o to run the game a least thats what it says but we all know its possible to get away with a little bit lower
no im asking you to help me get more display memory or download a display driver lol sorry i gave u the wrong message there lol
If you have a card (I still do not know what you have yet) that has 64mb, then you are stuck. You cannot change it, through drivers, to 128mb. Battlefield uses LOADS of resources, you MUST have a suitable card. No matter what drivers you have.
Yep you're screwed then! Unless you get a new card, here is one that I have; http://www.ebuyer.com/customer/prod...2hvd19wcm9kdWN0X292ZXJ2aWV3&product_uid=75002 It's rivatuned to 16 pixel pielines & runs Battlefied 2 really smoothly. Pulsar