Beeping/Spinning HD

Discussion in 'PC hardware help' started by reaperX, Jun 14, 2005.

  1. reaperX

    reaperX Guest

    I've had my PC about a year now and its given me the same problem. One of the hard drives will spontaneously beep, then spin, and repeat. It freezes after a while. The last couple times it will beep/spin on startup and not boot. I've had to dump my drives both times. I run virus checks regularly and keep it spyware free. Anybody know whats up?

  2. Starbuck1

    Starbuck1 Guest

    ReaperX - what OS are you running?? Have you run a Scandisk to attempt repairing bad clusters, sectors, tracks?? This is a good starting point ... let us know.
  3. neojapan

    neojapan Regular member

    Nov 28, 2004
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    did you build it yourself? mine almost did the same thing it would make a clicking sound and spin and respin then it would freeze my computer.I finally found out what it was,one of the wires from the led light was making contact with the case and it would cause my drive to spin and freeze,now it works fine so you might wanna check your connections
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2005
  4. reaperX

    reaperX Guest

    I'm running Windows XP home edition. I've run scandisk in an attempt to fix any possible errors but no luck. I didn't build it myself but I selected the parts and had it built for me. From what I can see, no parts of the led light or its wires are touching the case. I called technical support and the guy told me it was hard drive failure and I'll have to back my stuff up and send it in for a new one. I'm really pissed
    cause this is like the third time this has happened.

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