Hi, having some trouble with my Benq 1620, ive had it for a month, no problems, and all of a sudden, it doesnt read any discs i throw at it, no blank cd's/dvd's, dvd movies, games, nothing. I am using the b7w9 firmware, and have been for the whole time i've had the burner. When I insert the disc, the light just flashes a couple times, makes a sound like the laser is trying to read. it does this 3 times then quits.. Any Ideas?
If you have windows XP: Go into device manager/cd-rom-dvd drive/double click benq 1620/and click details. Then uninstall your driver and reboot.XP should re-connect it back up and give her a try. I've got 2 benq 1620s and they are excellent burners. On one of them, when I use dvd decrypter's ISO mode,it throws out my drivers so I have to reboot the drivers to get the drive to recognize dvds. This has happened twice and each time my pc said it was a cd-rom drive only. If you don't have XP: Not sure how you go about uninstalling the drivers.
nope, nothing. I even went into bios and changed it so that it will boot of cd, put in windows disc, and it wont boot at all.. Im just gonna RMA it and get a new one.
That sucks. I've got almost 3000 burns on my original 1620 which is an I/O Magic 16x-rebadged benq and still going strong. Over 99%+ success rate on all my benqs. Any of the cables inside the tower come loose? Maybe bad cable/ribbon? How about your dma's? You can check them going through device manger/IDE-ATA-ATapi controllers. Make sure they say dma/udma/or if available. Make sure they are not in pio mode.If one or more of those controllers state pio mode,uninstall driver and re-boot:1 controller at a time. I've also got the benq 1640 and she is a sweet burner.Over burn protection,excellent booktyping. Very nice burner and I only paid $38 including shipping from newegg.com
Yea, Its UDMA, I even tried it in my other pc to no avail. Im just gonna send it back.. I wish Newegg was available in Canada :'(
Is the warranty still good? Same drive in 2 different pcs: Sounds like she puked I'm not sure where the best prices for burners are for canadians.
Yea the warrenty is ok, i bought it at Factorydirect.ca it is refurbished. so im not sure how they will respond. but I am doing my best to get a hold of them and get a new burner
mcphail: I just started having similar issues with my 1 y/o 1620. this was shortly after I installed the new driver. I also tried uninstalling the driver and letting xp take over...still no luck. Then I cracked the burner itself and swabbed the laser with alcohol in case it was dirty. Seems like it's pretty much dead. I'm going to buy a new one (probably not a BENQ, but I know you can get the 1650 for $48.99 at Canada Computers (I'm in Cambridge ON). If you're in the GTA, there are more of these around. They also ship for $10 I believe...
Yea i just installed the new driver too. I live just 4 hours north of toronto. (sudbury) so i could drive to toronto if i really needed too
Ha! I'm from North Bay originally. Go Cents! That's funny... Check TigerDirect too if you haven't already - they sometimes have some excellent deals...
haha awesome man! i shop from tigerdirect all the time! just saw that burner at factorydirect for 39 bucks and jumped on it.. didnt turn out as good as i thought it would though.. lol
hoorah for Sudbury! The most polluted place you could live in nothern ontario hehe, i live there too, lovely place though. EDIT: That was f**king pointless.