BENQ: 1640 or 1650? any preferences?

Discussion in 'DVD / Blu-ray drives' started by cletus141, May 10, 2006.

  1. cletus141

    cletus141 Member

    Aug 13, 2004
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    I'm looking at getting a new burner, as I currently have a Sony DRU-530a. I've narrowed it down to a Benq drive. The question remains: Do I want the 1640 or the 1650? ... and why?

    Thanks for the input,
  2. dolphin2

    dolphin2 Guest

    Go with the DW 1650. It's the newest model. You'd be lucky to find a 1640, anywhere!
  3. saugmon

    saugmon Senior member

    Oct 9, 2004
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    Either one,you'll be fine with either one.Fabulous drives,and a cheap price.

    I've got both. I wanted another 1640 in my single drive pc that had the Benq 1620 in her. The bad thing about some benq drives,they'll overburn the majority of 8x media at 12x and 16x if your burnsetting is set to max. I have very limited speeds with that single drive 1620 machine.1x/2.4x/and max burn. Max was too fast,2.4x was too slow-too many errors for quality media.

    Both the 1640 and 1650 has full use the qsuite 2.0 or 2.1. This is a very nice program:

    Booktyping: Turns the plus format to dvd-rom for higher stand alone compatability.

    Qtest: Test out your blank media to see if you'll have any problem with the speed you select.

    OverBurn:Very nice program to burn your media at the rated speed of media. No more 12x and 16x on my 8x rated media.

    WOPC: Laser adjusts to the condition of your discs

    Solidburn: It learns the media you are using,and knows how to properly burn it after several burns.

    Test burn and info are also on qsuite.

    Since I have both the 1640 and 1650,I can't tell which one is better. Overall stand alone compatability after booktyping my backups is 95%. Coaster rate is about 1 out of 500+ and getting better. Same results as my other 2 benq 1620s.

    The 1640 is very hard to find.Go with the 1650. has great prices on them.

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